Charlemagne #3
Rosamond McKitterick
Can we compare Charlemagne to Napoleon?
Frederick the Great #7
Professor Tim Blanning
Anti-Semites: Frederick the Great vs. Maria Theresa
Karl Marx #13
Professor Jonathan Sperber
Did Marx face anti-Semitism?
Churchill #2
Professor Christopher Catherwood
Why was Churchill a “flawed genius”?
Louis XIV #4
Dr. Philip Mansel
What were Louis XIV’s main accomplishments?
Napoleon #4
Adam Stefan Zamoyski​
What was Napoleon's attitude towards the Jews?
Edward I #6
Marc Morris
What were the causes of the Edict of Expulsion against England’s Jews in 1290?
Maria Theresa #2
Professor Dr. Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger
What made Maria Theresa such a compelling historical figure?
Leon Trotsky #7
Joshua Rubenstein
Was Trotsky evil like Stalin?
Queen Victoria #2
Dr. Helen Rappaport
Why was Queen Victoria such a compelling historical figure?