In Hitler’s Munich, Jews, The Revolution, And the Rise of Nazism – Professor Michael Brenner
Chair, Jewish History and Culture, Ludwig Maximillian University of Munich
Seymour and Lillian Abensohn Chair in Israel Studies, American University
Selected works:
A Short History of the Jews
In Search of Israel
After the Holocaust: Rebuilding Jewish Lives in Postwar Germany
A Short History of the Jews in Germany Since 1945
Zionism, A Brief History

Episode #1
In Hitler’s Munich – Professor Michael Brenner – Intro:
Professor Michael Brenner introduces his groundbreaking work, In Hitler’s Munich – Jews, The Revolution and the Rise of Nazism
Episode #2
Jews of Munich – Post WW1:
What was the state of Munich Jewry during the years immediately following the Great War?
Episode #3
Munich Revolution 1918:
What occurred during the short-lived Munich Revolution of 1918?
Episode #4
Jewish German Revolutionaries – How Jewish?
One of the leading Jewish socialist revolutionaries was Kurt Eisner. Did his Jewishness play a role in the revolution?
Episode #5
Jewish Revolutionaries & Anti-Semitism:
Did the fact that prominent revolutionaries were Jewish engender a rise in anti-Semitism?
Episode #6
Who were the Ostjuden?
Germany Jewry was divided between native Germans and immigrants from Eastern Europe. How did that relationship impact on the community at large?
Episode #7
Anti-Semitism: Munich Post WW1:
How did anti-Semitism manifest itself in the critical post war years?
Episode #8
Hitler’s Beer Hall Putsch 1923:
How did Hitler’s unsuccessful Beer Hall Putsch of 1923 impact Munich Jewry?
Episode #9
Jewish Community: Munich versus Berlin:
What were the differences between the Jewish communities of, larger Berlin, versus smaller Munich?
Episode #10
Why Study Munich Post WW1?
What lessons can be learned about preserving democracy from the impactful events of post WW1 Munich?