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History of Zionism - Rabbi Pinchas Landis
Motivational speaker, author and educator
Attended Ner Israel Rabbinical College, Ohr Sameyach, Yeshiva University and Johns Hopkins University
Director of Jewish Anytime, an online learning platform
Director of Partners Cleveland a non-profit enterprise focused on inspiring the Jewish community
Forthcoming book, Today In Jewish History (Mosaica Press)

Episode #1
History of Zionism - The Old Yishuv
Episode #2
What is the First Aliyah?
Episode #3
Why is Herzl the Father of Zionism?
Episode #4
How Impactful was the First Zionist Congress?
Episode #5
Who Opposed the Zionist Movement?
Episode #6
The Balfour Declaration - Why?
Full Interview - Rabbi Pinchas Landis
Episode #7
Who was Zeev Jabotinsky? What was his impact on Zionism?
Episode #8
David Ben-Gurion - Labor Zionism
Episode #9
Is Zionism Dead?
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