Episode #1
Q: John Garth – J.R.R. Tolkien – Intro
Read Lord of the Rings at age 9
Fascinated by names, places in Tolkien
Influenced by Tom Shippey
Studied literature at Oxford
Episode #2
Q: What influenced Tolkien?
Deepest influences are from earliest memories
Orphaned at age 12
Focus on souls, life after, no natural mortality
Love of England’s landscapes
Religion, wife
Episode #3
Q: Did being an orphan drive Tolkien’s imagination?
Tolkien developed deep imagination at an early age
At 7 he was already, “world building”
Later, as a child, Tolkien invented his own languages
Episode #4
Q: Why does Tolkien resonate?
Readers come to Tolkien in different ways
Demographic of readers is very different
Mythic archetypes, multi-cultural
Wrote for kids and adults
Pushed barriers, not boxed in
Episode #5
Q: Are the movies, The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, good?
Lord of the Rings – fine work of art
Succeed when they match pre conceived images
Fail when they do not
Good at getting kids to read the books
Episode #6
Q: Can you compare Tolkien’s works to Harry Potter?
J.K Rowling is an amazing author
Connects genres of fantasy, school & detective
Hard to compare
Episode #7
Q: What was it like to be Tolkien’s student at Oxford?
Mixed reports regarding his lecturing
Enunciation was often flawed
Tolkien was a natural performer
Episode #8
Q: What inspired Tolkien’s Middle Earth?
Cultural heritage of Britain, Celtic, Anglo Saxon
Elves by the sea
Classical Greek & Roman myth
Word Sounds from the Old testament
Episode #9
Q: Were Tolkien’s dwarves, Jews?
Tolkien made the comparison himself
Comparison focuses on language, not race or religion
Source language of dwarves is Semitic, including Hebrew