Professor Nicolas McDowell – John Milton
Early Modern Literature and Thought
University of Exeter
Professor McDowell focuses on the literary, cultural and intellectual history of the period 1500-1750, with particular focus on the Civil Wars of the 17th-century.
Selected Works:
Poet of Revolution: The Making of John Milton
The English Radical Imagination: Culture, Religion, and Revolution, 1630-1660
Poetry and Allegiance in the English Civil Wars: Marvell and the Cause of Wit
Co-editor, The Oxford Handbook of Milton

Episode #1
Q: Professor Nicholas McDowell - John Milton – Intro
Raised in battle torn Belfast Ireland
Interested in religious and political conflict
Read Paradise Lost as undergrad in Cambridge
Masters at Oxford under Nigel Smith
Milton the poet and context of writing thru English Civil War
Episode #2
Q: What was England like as Milton grew up?
Born 1608, London, Wealthy family, private tutors
Attends Cambridge 1625
Reformation in England in 16th century
Protestant / Catholic civil wars in Europe
Charles I –England descends into Civil War 1642
Episode #3
Q: How did Milton’s political views develop?
2 historical schools of thought
Radical Republican from the start
Conservative at first who became radicalized in the 1640s
Supported execution of Charles I in 1649
Poet of Revolution traces the artistic and intellectual development
Episode #4
Q: What were Milton’s religious views?
Before 1640s don’t know his religious views
Milton was an anti-Catholic, anti-Pope, writer
Dynamism with development of ideas
Later on, heretical positions
Episode #5
Q: When did an ambitious Milton start writing?
Wrote poetry when he was a 15 year old teenager
First published in 1645
Dominating personality
Believed he was destined to be the great English poet
Saw himself as epic poet like Homer and Virgil
Intellectual virtuoso including languages
Episode #6
Q: In what languages did Milton write?
Educated in classic languages
1645 published works divided
Vernacular, English / Italian
Classic, Latin/Greek
Decision that Homer/Virgil epic work would be in English
Episode #7
Q: How did Milton’s travels in Europe influence him?
Spent a year, 1637-8, in Catholic France & Italy
Wanted to witness what happens under Catholic rule
Helps develop his political & religious ideas on liberty
Visits Galileo under house arrest
Critical to Milton’s views on tyranny
Episode #8
Q: Why is Paradise Lost so outstanding?
Milton thought to be greatest non dramatic writer
Scope, grandeur and ambition of Paradise Lost
Covers all of history from creation to the end of days
Context of disappointment at Civil War & fall of the Republic
Dictated by a blind Milton
Episode #9
Q: Did Milton’s Hebrew find expression in his works?
Poem “To My Father” thanks father for Hebrew tutoring
Last year of St. Paul prep Hebrew was taught
In 1648 published translated Psalms from the original
Eric Nelson of Harvard- Milton studied Rabbinic Commentaries on Bible
Milton references Jewish Marriage Law in views on divorce
Wrote work on Samson
Episode #10
Q: Did Milton write about Jews?
Did not write about re-admission of Jews under Cromwell in 1650’s
But worked for Cromwell & wrote only what he was commissioned
Believed Jews were necessary part of process towards end of days
Intellectual interest in Jewish Religion as in Classics
Episode #11
Q: How does Milton speak to the modern student?
Theological disputes not as relevant today
Milton teaches us liberty versus constraints
Freedom versus persecution
Free will versus predestination